Artisan or Craftsman?

Although Artisan and Craftsman are two words that are sometimes categorized as synonyms, there exists a key difference between these two words. First let us define the words artisan and craftsman. An artisan is a skilled worker who makes things by hand. On the other hand, a craftsman is a worker skilled in a craft.

The three differences between craftsman and artisan:

The terms “craftsman” and “artisan” both refer to skilled workers who produce handmade goods using traditional techniques. However, there are some differences between the two terms:

  1. Level of skill: A craftsman is typically someone who has acquired a high level of skill in a particular trade. Skill is built in woodworking or metalworking, through years of training and experience. An artisan is often seen as someone who has mastered not just the technical skills of their craft. An artisan also focuses on the creative and artistic aspects of it.
  2. Production volume: A craftsman may produce items in larger volumes than an artisan. A Craftsperson may even work as part of a team in a larger workshop or factory setting. An artisan, tends to produce items in smaller quantities, often working alone or in a small studio.
  3. Function vs aesthetics: A craftsman’s focus is often on the functional aspects of the items they produce. An artisan, on the other hand, places a greater emphasis on aesthetics. Artisans may use their creativity and artistic vision to produce unique and beautiful pieces.

Art or Craft?

Artisans often bring a creative and artistic vision to their work, using their imagination and design abilities to produce unique and aesthetically pleasing pieces. The products produced are usually low in volume and considered “one-offs” or limited numbers.

Craftsmen have mastered technical skills and are often highly knowledgeable about materials, tools, and processes, and may be able to troubleshoot and solve complex problems related to their work. The products that they produce are often of high quality and durability and may be designed to serve a specific function or purpose.

The products we offer here at Gigi’s Corner Shop are made by Artisans and Craftsmen and women. We prefer the high-quality and uniqueness to the products over the mass-produced opbjects you can find in ‘big-box’ stores. We strive to find local sources for our offerings too.

Both craftsmen and artisans are skilled workers who produce handmade goods. The distinction between the two lies in the level of skill, production volume, and focus on function vs aesthetics.

Thank you for your interest and patronage to our store. The items you purchase help support the local community in many ways. That framed mirror, the hall-table, the vase or even the bar of artisan soap help families get supplies for their kids soccer and we thank you very much.